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Monday, July 4, 2011

Hume Lake (6/25/11 - 7/3/11)

The arrival at the campsite!

Chloe exploring the campsite and already picking up rocks and sticks

Chloe LOVED this hat and always wanted to wear it - she does look pretty darn cute in it :)

Chloe eating breakfast with Auntie - Chloe was famished each morning but Auntie knew just how to fix that!

In the kayak with Daddy at the Cove - Chloe even learned out to say "kayak"

Grizzly Falls - we've never seen it with this much water pouring down it!

Our favorite hang-out spot down at King's River - there was so much water, we almost didn't recognize it. Normally there is a sandy beach below where Jeremiah is standing and you can hang out there with a floaty and each lunch, but not in June!

Another great Falls (can't remember the name) with water just shooting out of it - it was incredible!

This is a picture of the Falls that are behind us in the above picture.

A view on our walk around Zumwalt Meadows.

A very cool tree we saw on the walk.

Chloe was given a couple of willow sticks to play with on the walk - she loved whacking people with them - she thought it was the funniest thing, especially when she got to sneak up behind Mommy and give her a whack or two :)

The campsite

If anyone was near water, Chloe had to be there too! Her favorite phrase was "Wash?" She wanted to always have water on her!

Where we relaxed while looking at baby names for Little Monkey #2 - we got a little closer but still have a long list.

Up 10-Mile Creek - even though the water was cold, Chloe had no problems splashing around in it next to Daddy.

Little Monkey #2's first time on the log!

Last year, these bear boxes were installed while we were camping. We put Chloe, who was 9 months at the time, in it so we wanted another picture of her in it this year, except we didn't have to put her in there - she gladly climbed in to explore all by herself!

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