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Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Chloe - 10 Months Old

"It wasn't me!"

Farewell party at Pizza Port with Emmaline and her mommy and daddy (like out feet?)

Playtime at the park with Cashton, the boyfriend :)


My own swing in the backyard!!!

Can you tell I really like swings???
(Can you also see my bottom teeth?)

Playing in the fountain at church.

Grandpa Greg taught me how to fee others...trying it out on Daddy right now.

Climbing on Mommy to attack her with slobber kisses!

Isn't this what you're supposed to do with tissues?

So cute!

Like my model pose/smile?

New outfit!
Fun at the beach with my mermaid bottoms

My first pumpkin...not so sure what to think about it...

My first ear of corn (from Grandpa Greg's field)

Chloe's Accomplishments This Month:
  • Started the month at 16 lbs. 13.2 oz - Ended the month at 17 lbs. 6 oz - An 8.8 oz gain!
  • Splashed around at Wild Rivers Water Park
  • Returned to the San Diego Zoo
  • Decided clicking her tongue was the cool thing to do
  • Visited the Walkers/Crawlers Nursery at church and determined that's where she belongs now - she's no longer an Infant
  • Started making her legs straight while leaning on something or someone and then 3 days later...
  • Stood up on her own for the first time (and in the bathtub, no less)
  • Figured out that grapes, pears, and blueberries are all pretty tastey
  • Decided that pointing her finger is fun
  • Was babysat by Grandpa Greg for the first time while Mommy & Daddy went to a wedding
  • Started making the "B" sound and saying "baby," or something that sounds a lot like it :)
  • Put a ball through a hoop and moveda latch on her Pop-Up Toy for the first time
  • Ate broccoli and liked it!