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Saturday, May 28, 2011

Strawberry Festival (5/28/11)

Waiting for the Parade to come

Still waiting but at least we have a nice bright red balloon to play with!

Our friends Amanda and Caleb were able to join us :)

Chloe and Caleb had a great time dancing to the music at the Festival

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Catalina Island (5/15/11 - 5/16/11)

Our "free" trip to Catalina Island for sitting through a Time Share Presentation back in October 2010 (they sure did make us jump through a lot of hoops to get this trip - we'll NEVER sit through one of those again, no matter how enticing the prize)

Chloe enjoying the boat ride while her poor preggie mommy was feeling the effects of both morning sickness and motion sickness :(

The Glass Bottom Boat Tour

It's hard to tell, but this is a picture of a HUGE fish - a black something or other (can't recall the name) that is protected. We were told this thing weighs at least 500lbs and this guy was feeding it a fish to put on a show for us on the dock.

This was actually Chloe's first time to go down a slide all by herself without any help!

Inside the beautiful Casino (read as Entertainment Center, not gambling center) - this was an incredible place to see and we would recommend it to anyone visiting the island. Totally worth the money (make sure to get a BYGO coupon from online before you go, though)

Monday, May 9, 2011