Chloe's Accomplishments This Month:
- Started the month at 15 lbs. 15.4oz - Ended the month at 16 lbs. 13.2 oz - A 13.8 oz gain (much better than last month!)
- Her 4th, 5th, and 6th teeth appeared - busy month for teeth!
- Took her first crawling steps
- Vacationed at Hume Lake
- Got car sick for the first time on a pretty windy road
- Strolled around the OC Fair
- Figured out how to open and close desser drawers
- First time to French Kiss...a dog!
- First time in the BIG bath
- Brushed her teeth for the first time, with a little help from Mom
- Sat up on her own from a crawling position
- Danced while sitting to music from a toy
- Ate a whole container (3.9 oz) of applesauce in one sitting for the first time (it only took 1 hr and 15 min to complete!)