A few weeks ago, Jeremiah's grandpa called us up because he had found out that The Incredible Hulk was coming to the theatres and he thought that it would be really fun to go see it with Jeremiah.
When Jeremiah was only 2 or 3 years old, Grandpa Frazier would chase him around the house and Jeremiah would scream and laugh. Then Grandma Frazier bought Jeremiah "Hulk Muscles" (imagine arm floaties for the pool but they look like muscles and are green) and Jeremiah would then chase Grandpa around the house.
Grandpa thought it would bring back good memories sharing this movie with Miah. So we set a date of last Thrusday (6/26/08) to go down to their place, have some dinner, and watch the movie.
Now, Jeremiah and especially I are not big comic book fans (I really can't stand the Spiderman movies) so we weren't too excited to see the actual movie; we were more so going to spend time with the grandparents. But we had heard good reviews about the movie and that Edward Norton was staring in it (I really like him as an actor).
So after work, we drove down to their house and went out to KFC for dinner. Right at the end of dinner, I managed to spill my full glass of water all over my right pant leg and a little in my crotch. Just what I needed. We got back in the car and drove a few minutes to the local mall where the movie was playing.
Now, I really knew nothing about The Hulk other than I knew it was an ordinary guy who had something go wrong and now gets really big and green when he gets angry. The movie didn't spend too much time on how this guy turned into the Hulk, but spent a lot of time letting you get to know him as a person as well as see him fight the bad guy.
We both really enjoyed the movie. The special effects were really good (although, I don't think the grandparents liked it very much - they kept saying that that's not how they remembered the Hulk - especially as it's been quite a few years since they last went to see a movie in the theatre and it was Lord of the Rings that they saw and that was too much for them then). I hate it when you can tell that the images are CG, but they did a really good job on this one. The story was good and we both really liked that you got to develop more of an emotional attachment to the character instead of it just being an action movie.
Of course, they left it open for a sequel and Stan Lee (the creator) made a special appearance in the movie (did you see him?).
I would recommend this movie even if you aren't big on Comic Book-themed movies. It really was good and fun to see on the big screen.
Now, this week, I haven't been feeling too great (bad headaches and just plain exhausted). I spent most of Friday inside on the couch just trying to recover. But I really felt like I needed to get out on Friday night and just do something.
Jeremiah suggested going to see Iron Man as he had heard from a lot of people that it was a really good movie (and some of those reviews came from people who also don't like comic books). He had been wanting to see it before it left the theatres and you could tell it was almost on it's way out (you could really tell when you were watching the previews before it came on that all the movies it was "previewing" were ones that you had either already seen or were ones that were playing in the room right next to you).
So we decided to go see it even though we really knew nothing about the story of this one.
This movie was way cool. I really enjoyed it (I think even a little more than The Hulk). The special effects were amazing, the story was good, and there was good humor in it that didn't insult your intelligence. I really recommend this movie. We both really enjoyed it and had a good conversation about it afterwards. This one too is set up for a sequel as well (stay for the end of the credits if you want to see that part) but we were a little let down with this last clip as it involved Samuel L. Jackson - an actor neither of us can stand at all (we mistakenly saw Snakes on a Plane - if you want to watch a stupid movie with an actor that truly believed it would be a huge hit, go see it; otherwise, forget it ever existed and you won't be sorry).
So we had a pretty fun, early weekend of movies. We also watched I, Robot last night as we really wanted to continue that theme after watching Iron Man. (I had bought this movie for Jeremiah for Christmas; it only took us 6 months to get around to watching it...give you a clue on how busy we've been?!? :) )
Well, that's all for now.
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Monday, June 16, 2008
Weekend Fun near San Francisco!
We took a little road trip this weekend (6/14/08 - 6/15/08) to celebrate the College Graduation of one of Jeremiah's cousins, Yusef. In was 9 years in the making and well-worth celebrating.
We left around 7:30am Saturday morning and arrived around 3:00pm, after stopping for lunch/gas and a quick grocery store run. Not too bad for time (and I slept quite a bit of it :)
We had a great time with Yusef, his fiance Emily, Emily's sister and brother-in-law, and their friends. There was really good food, a 92 degree pool (it felt wonderful), and good company all around. (I got to spend some time with Phillip as I was cleaning up from dinner - Phillip is Jeremiah's cousin by marriage.)
It was at Jeremiah's aunt Ruth's house (in Pleasanton, near SF) and we stayed the night there (thanks Ruth and Tim!). It was so much fun just hanging out with everyone for the weekend. We left around 2:00pm on Sunday and arrived home just after 9:00pm - we stopped for some linner and ice cream along the way in a hick-town.
During the weekend, Jeremiah and I also returned to our pool tournament and, as hard as this is for me to say, he beat me 3-2. But most of the games were really close and I came up from behind on at least 2 of them and almost won myself.
The weekend was a blast and we look forward to going there again.
Here are a few pictures:
(The whole gang above will be at Hume and we can't wait to hang out with them again there!)
Thursday, June 12, 2008
I'm Losing My Mind!
So for the second time in just a few months, I lost my keys while out shopping!
The last time it happened, I was shopping at Wal-Mart and I was ALL over the store. I had a long list of things to get and I went everywhere. I checked out and on my way out the store I started feeling around my purse for my keys. But they were no where to be felt. I started pulling everything out of my purse as the panic was starting to set in.
I went back to the Shelf-Checkout area where I purchased everything and couldn't find them there. I left left my cart with a worker and went out to the car to see if they were locked in or just lying about. No luck.
I then called Jeremiah and explained what happened. I was so frustrated with myself. This is something I NEVER do. I always know where my keys (and many other things) are at all times. I just couldn't believe this was happening.
While Jeremiah was on his way with a spare key, I started walking around the store, back-tracking where I had been (I have a pretty photogenic memory and can retrace exactly what path I took and exactly what I looked at so I followed my same path again).
I should also note that while I was shopping, I lost that long list of things to buy. I tried looking for it earlier but couldn't find it - that made the situation that much more frustrating, that I had lost TWO things in a matter of minutes!
I still couldn't find them when Jeremiah got there. We put everything in the car and looked around that area. Still no keys. Then I took him all around the store to show him where I had been. Still nothing.
We ended up giving our number to a manager just in case they were found. I called back every day for days just to check in and there was never any good news. So we just gave them up for lost and made copies of the keys that were on my key ring. (The stinky part of it all was that my car key is one of those newer computerized car keys so when you want a replacement it doesn't just cost you a dollar or so, it costs more like $50. Well, we still had 2 of that key so we opted not to get another copy of it for now.)
So today I went to JoAnn Fabrics to buy 1 piece of felt to put under our new fish tank (well, it's not really new; Jeremiah has had it for years but as birthday gift this past year I gave him money to be able to fill it up with some fish - still haven't done that yet but that's because we were waiting on getting just the right table for the fish tank which I just did at WalMart on Monday).
I walked around just a little bit looking at things but mainly I went straight to the fabric I wanted. I picked it up and looked at the black felt and its price. I then set down the bolt on top of some other bolts while I looked a bit more at the other felt. I decided to get this bolt, picked it up, and moved on to another section of the store where they carry some really soft fabric (the type you use in baby blankets - I just love to touch those!).
I then got in line to get my fabric cut. Then I got in another line to buy the fabric. As I was finishing my purchase, my phone was buzzing. I walked toward the door to exit while I saw who called my phone. It was Jeremiah so I called him back. While I was talking to him and walking to my car, I started feeling around for my keys. Nothing.
I couldn't believe it. I had lost my keys again and it had only been a few months since the last time. I felt like I was loosing my mind!
Jeremiah was very sweet and said he would be right on his way with the spare (he's really good at rescuing me) and even offered to bring me a snack as I was cranky with hunger. While he came, I retraced my steps in the store and asked the employees if anything had been turned in. Nothing.
I just couldn't understand how I could have lost them especially when I hadn't been in that many places in the store and it wasn't a big store, unlike WalMart. I went back to my car to make sure the keys weren't sitting in the ignition or on the ground somewhere. Still nothing.
I checked in the store one more time with no luck and then I found a bench outside to sit on while I waited. A little bit later, Jeremiah came and we opened the car. We didn't see anything. Then Jeremiah opened the glove compartment and there was nothing there. Literally, there was nothing there.
I normally have my registration, insurance, and manual in a little black folder in there with tissues and Bed, Bath and Beyond coupons (keep them there as a just-in-case :) ). But the compartment was completely empty. There wasn't even any trash in there. I had no idea what could have happened.
Jeremiah then said, "What if someone found your keys, opened the car, and took the stuff for its information?" That's when the panic really hit. I could feel a lump in my throat forming.
I decided to call my mom as I had not opened the glove compartment since we returned from my trip and she had had my car washed while I was gone (a very nice Welcome Home surprise among other things) and I was wondering if she may have taken the stuff out before it was washed.
She couldn't remember doing it and started looking around the house just in case. Nothing. We talked through it and then she thought that maybe the Car Wash place had put everything in a bag in the trunk. I did remember that there seemed to be an extra bag of stuff in my trunk so we looked. One bag was of things that we had put in it. But there was another one.
I wripped this bag opened and there it all was! The main thing in this bag was my jumper cables and I thought that's all that was in it so that's why I hadn't really looked too closely at it before. That was a HUGE relief.
Now the keys were the only thing missing. We went back inside and I retraced my steps with Jeremiah while asking the employees if anything had been turned in. Still nothing. I went to a counter and emptied out my purse again, just in case. Nothing.
We finally resorted to just giving them my information in case they were turned in after I left. While I was doing this, Jeremiah walked away. The next think I know, I hear his voice saying "I found them."
I was surprised and so happy. He left them where they were and took me over to the area to see if I could find them. Now, some may think that was mean but he was just trying to help me see what I did movement-wise so that in the future, I can think of what I do while I'm shopping so that I will know where to look if I misplace them again.
I looked around at the felt area a bit and couldn't see them. I asked if they were in plain sight and he said they were. I still couldn't see them. I then just asked him to show me. We turned around to the area where I had placed the bolt of felt on top of other bolts of fabric and there they were, covered a bit by some of the tool fabric.
Now I had looked in this area but more on the shelf itself and on the ground, thinking they may have fallen. I didn't really look at the top as I didn't recall setting down keys with the fabric.
So at least I haven't truly lost 2 sets of keys in the last few months, but I came very close and I would have thought I was going crazy if I really had.
That was my adventure for today.
The last time it happened, I was shopping at Wal-Mart and I was ALL over the store. I had a long list of things to get and I went everywhere. I checked out and on my way out the store I started feeling around my purse for my keys. But they were no where to be felt. I started pulling everything out of my purse as the panic was starting to set in.
I went back to the Shelf-Checkout area where I purchased everything and couldn't find them there. I left left my cart with a worker and went out to the car to see if they were locked in or just lying about. No luck.
I then called Jeremiah and explained what happened. I was so frustrated with myself. This is something I NEVER do. I always know where my keys (and many other things) are at all times. I just couldn't believe this was happening.
While Jeremiah was on his way with a spare key, I started walking around the store, back-tracking where I had been (I have a pretty photogenic memory and can retrace exactly what path I took and exactly what I looked at so I followed my same path again).
I should also note that while I was shopping, I lost that long list of things to buy. I tried looking for it earlier but couldn't find it - that made the situation that much more frustrating, that I had lost TWO things in a matter of minutes!
I still couldn't find them when Jeremiah got there. We put everything in the car and looked around that area. Still no keys. Then I took him all around the store to show him where I had been. Still nothing.
We ended up giving our number to a manager just in case they were found. I called back every day for days just to check in and there was never any good news. So we just gave them up for lost and made copies of the keys that were on my key ring. (The stinky part of it all was that my car key is one of those newer computerized car keys so when you want a replacement it doesn't just cost you a dollar or so, it costs more like $50. Well, we still had 2 of that key so we opted not to get another copy of it for now.)
So today I went to JoAnn Fabrics to buy 1 piece of felt to put under our new fish tank (well, it's not really new; Jeremiah has had it for years but as birthday gift this past year I gave him money to be able to fill it up with some fish - still haven't done that yet but that's because we were waiting on getting just the right table for the fish tank which I just did at WalMart on Monday).
I walked around just a little bit looking at things but mainly I went straight to the fabric I wanted. I picked it up and looked at the black felt and its price. I then set down the bolt on top of some other bolts while I looked a bit more at the other felt. I decided to get this bolt, picked it up, and moved on to another section of the store where they carry some really soft fabric (the type you use in baby blankets - I just love to touch those!).
I then got in line to get my fabric cut. Then I got in another line to buy the fabric. As I was finishing my purchase, my phone was buzzing. I walked toward the door to exit while I saw who called my phone. It was Jeremiah so I called him back. While I was talking to him and walking to my car, I started feeling around for my keys. Nothing.
I couldn't believe it. I had lost my keys again and it had only been a few months since the last time. I felt like I was loosing my mind!
Jeremiah was very sweet and said he would be right on his way with the spare (he's really good at rescuing me) and even offered to bring me a snack as I was cranky with hunger. While he came, I retraced my steps in the store and asked the employees if anything had been turned in. Nothing.
I just couldn't understand how I could have lost them especially when I hadn't been in that many places in the store and it wasn't a big store, unlike WalMart. I went back to my car to make sure the keys weren't sitting in the ignition or on the ground somewhere. Still nothing.
I checked in the store one more time with no luck and then I found a bench outside to sit on while I waited. A little bit later, Jeremiah came and we opened the car. We didn't see anything. Then Jeremiah opened the glove compartment and there was nothing there. Literally, there was nothing there.
I normally have my registration, insurance, and manual in a little black folder in there with tissues and Bed, Bath and Beyond coupons (keep them there as a just-in-case :) ). But the compartment was completely empty. There wasn't even any trash in there. I had no idea what could have happened.
Jeremiah then said, "What if someone found your keys, opened the car, and took the stuff for its information?" That's when the panic really hit. I could feel a lump in my throat forming.
I decided to call my mom as I had not opened the glove compartment since we returned from my trip and she had had my car washed while I was gone (a very nice Welcome Home surprise among other things) and I was wondering if she may have taken the stuff out before it was washed.
She couldn't remember doing it and started looking around the house just in case. Nothing. We talked through it and then she thought that maybe the Car Wash place had put everything in a bag in the trunk. I did remember that there seemed to be an extra bag of stuff in my trunk so we looked. One bag was of things that we had put in it. But there was another one.
I wripped this bag opened and there it all was! The main thing in this bag was my jumper cables and I thought that's all that was in it so that's why I hadn't really looked too closely at it before. That was a HUGE relief.
Now the keys were the only thing missing. We went back inside and I retraced my steps with Jeremiah while asking the employees if anything had been turned in. Still nothing. I went to a counter and emptied out my purse again, just in case. Nothing.
We finally resorted to just giving them my information in case they were turned in after I left. While I was doing this, Jeremiah walked away. The next think I know, I hear his voice saying "I found them."
I was surprised and so happy. He left them where they were and took me over to the area to see if I could find them. Now, some may think that was mean but he was just trying to help me see what I did movement-wise so that in the future, I can think of what I do while I'm shopping so that I will know where to look if I misplace them again.
I looked around at the felt area a bit and couldn't see them. I asked if they were in plain sight and he said they were. I still couldn't see them. I then just asked him to show me. We turned around to the area where I had placed the bolt of felt on top of other bolts of fabric and there they were, covered a bit by some of the tool fabric.
Now I had looked in this area but more on the shelf itself and on the ground, thinking they may have fallen. I didn't really look at the top as I didn't recall setting down keys with the fabric.
So at least I haven't truly lost 2 sets of keys in the last few months, but I came very close and I would have thought I was going crazy if I really had.
That was my adventure for today.
Sunday, June 8, 2008
Emily's Wedding
This weekend was pretty busy for us. We had a birthday celebration for Jeremiah's grandma in the early afternoon on Saturday (6/7/08) and then we headed out around 4:30pm to drive quickly up to Orange County for my friend Emily's wedding.

The party was really nice with family and friends. My grandparents (my dad's parents) were there as well as my Grandma Doris and Jeremiah's Grandma Dee have become good friends and really enjoy each other's company.
I got to share some of my England trip experiences with Jeremiah's cousin Lindsey who lived over there for a few years. She was really anxious to hear all about it and it was fun being able to talk about places we had both been to at separate times. The food was great and we even had homemade icecream!
Like I said, we left the party early to help up North for the wedding. We made it to my parents' house around 5:30pm and Jeremiah changed into his nice clothes while I chatted with my dad who was fixing the floor in the family room (they have been remodeling different rooms in the house and this one is getting closer to being done). My mom and sister went up to Arroyo Grande for another wedding (we wanted to go to this one as well, but the 4 hour drive between the two made that a little impossible - very busy day!)
We got to the wedding around 5:40pm and saw some people I hadn't seen in quite a few years (Emily's family attends the church we grew up in together as kids and teens so I knew quite a few people that were there).
The inside of the church was dark but lit up with twinkle lights everywhere. It was so beautiful. I made sure to get an aisle seat as I love to see the bride walk down the aisle. When she did walk, she was gorgeous and absolutely glowing. It was so much fun to see her so happy.
The ceremony was wonderful and it was the first one we had been to since ours. A poem was read that was really nice and talked about how God waits to put people together until they are completely satisfied in Him first. I truly believe that He does.
The preacher's words were a good reminder of what a husband and wife should be to each other: a loving husband and a respectful wife, when times are good and it's easy and especially when you don't feel like it. I'm really glad we got to hear it.
One of the highlights of the ceremony was "A World Wide Commitment" ("The Kiss of Awesomeness" was good too, but the "Commitment" was a little more unexpected). During this part in the ceremony, it was announced that Emily and Jeff would make this World Wide Commitment and change their Facebood status from "Engaged" to "Married."
There was a computer on the stage that they had just used to play a photo slide show from while they took Communion so you didn't think much of it being there. But then after they announced this, they walked over to the computer and you watched them changed their status live on the screen. It was so much fun!
The reception was great as well. More twinkle lights in the Courtyard, In 'N Out for the dinner, a dance floor where we all boogied, and a photo booth to take pictures and add to their Guest Scrap Book (very creative way to do a Guest Book, might I add). You got a duplicate copy of the pictures you took in the photo booth so you even got a suvenier.
Jamie was there as well so it was really fun getting to spend time with her during the reception and catching up (she's going to be an aunt, by the way! Her brother's wife is pregnant and due in September! I'm very excited for them. Oh, and it's a girl!)
Jamie, Emily, and I took a set of pictures together in the photo booth for old times sake. Back in Jr. High and High School when we all hung out together (we were inseparable) we would always cram into the little photo booths at amusement parks and water parks to take some great photos. I still have them somewhere and this one is getting added to the collection.
It was a beautiful and very fun wedding!
I got to share some of my England trip experiences with Jeremiah's cousin Lindsey who lived over there for a few years. She was really anxious to hear all about it and it was fun being able to talk about places we had both been to at separate times. The food was great and we even had homemade icecream!
Like I said, we left the party early to help up North for the wedding. We made it to my parents' house around 5:30pm and Jeremiah changed into his nice clothes while I chatted with my dad who was fixing the floor in the family room (they have been remodeling different rooms in the house and this one is getting closer to being done). My mom and sister went up to Arroyo Grande for another wedding (we wanted to go to this one as well, but the 4 hour drive between the two made that a little impossible - very busy day!)
We got to the wedding around 5:40pm and saw some people I hadn't seen in quite a few years (Emily's family attends the church we grew up in together as kids and teens so I knew quite a few people that were there).
The inside of the church was dark but lit up with twinkle lights everywhere. It was so beautiful. I made sure to get an aisle seat as I love to see the bride walk down the aisle. When she did walk, she was gorgeous and absolutely glowing. It was so much fun to see her so happy.
The ceremony was wonderful and it was the first one we had been to since ours. A poem was read that was really nice and talked about how God waits to put people together until they are completely satisfied in Him first. I truly believe that He does.
The preacher's words were a good reminder of what a husband and wife should be to each other: a loving husband and a respectful wife, when times are good and it's easy and especially when you don't feel like it. I'm really glad we got to hear it.
One of the highlights of the ceremony was "A World Wide Commitment" ("The Kiss of Awesomeness" was good too, but the "Commitment" was a little more unexpected). During this part in the ceremony, it was announced that Emily and Jeff would make this World Wide Commitment and change their Facebood status from "Engaged" to "Married."
There was a computer on the stage that they had just used to play a photo slide show from while they took Communion so you didn't think much of it being there. But then after they announced this, they walked over to the computer and you watched them changed their status live on the screen. It was so much fun!
Jamie was there as well so it was really fun getting to spend time with her during the reception and catching up (she's going to be an aunt, by the way! Her brother's wife is pregnant and due in September! I'm very excited for them. Oh, and it's a girl!)

It was a beautiful and very fun wedding!
Friday, June 6, 2008
The Truck Hit 100,000 Miles!
On June 6, 2008, our truck hit the 100,000 mile mark!!!
Now on to the next 100,000 miles!
Sunday, June 1, 2008
It's All Done!!! Plus B&B Reviews
I just finished writing about all our days in England. The most recent ones are Day 14-16.
Pictures will be coming soon (probably throughout this week). I just finished downloading all the pictures from our camera so now I just need to pick out some to share with you all.
Oh, and in case you were wondering about the different places we stayed at along our trip, here they are with my comments. (Note: They are in the order in which we stayed in them.)
Name: Well Cottage
Location: Just south of Avebury
Comments: Nice enough of a place. Didn't have too much interaction with the owner other than she let us into our room and served our breakfast. The food was good. Wouldn't necessarily go back here again if we were in the area. We would probably try someplace else if we had the chance. (We paid £60 for the night. Ensuite.)
Name: Lungano B&B
Website: http://www.luganobandb.com/
Location: Llandogo
Comments: Very nice place to stay. You had a private entrance to your room that entered through their beautiful gardens. You had a sitting room attached to your bedroom (the Blue Room). Only downside is that there is only a bath tub and no shower. The room was very clean and cozy. The food was great and the owner was very friendly and provided a very nice atmosphere. Would definitely stay here again. (We paid £52 for the night. Ensuite.)
Name: Huelwen Guest House
Website: http://www.heulwen.co.uk/index.html
Location: Snowdonia
Comments: Loved this place. We would have stayed here longer if we could. It's off a little mountain road and has beautiful views all around it. This was the largest room we stayed in and was very clean and comfortable. We really like the owners; they were very friendly and you could tell they really enjoyed running a guesthouse. We would definitely stay here again if in the area. We highly recommend this place. (We paid £54 for the night. Ensuite.)
Name: Rosehill B&B
Website: http://rosehill-snowdonia.co.uk/
Location: Snowdonia
Comments: This was a nice place; felt more like a hotel than a cozy B&B. Everything was clean but the room was on the small side. The food was good (this was the place where we ate the boiled eggs). The owner was nice but a little stand-offish - she wasn't very open with us and we felt a little weird around her. We wouldn't necessarily go back here again. We would probably try some place else first. (We paid £56 for the night. Ensuite.)
Name: Aynetree Guesthouse
Website: http://www.aynetreeguesthouse.co.uk/
Location: Edinburgh
Comments: We had a horrible experience at this place. I do not recommend going here at all. They were only a 3 star when all of the rest we stayed at were 4 stars and they charged more than any of them and it was not worth the extra price. The owners were not very friendly, we ran out of hot water in the bath, they served us moldy toast at breakfast, and practically kicked us out the door. Do not stay here. (We paid £70 for the night. Private Bath, no shower)
Name: Edinburgh Travelodge
Website: http://www.travelodge.co.uk/
Location: Edinburgh
Comments: Very nice. The room was clean and spacious and felt so much better than the last place we had just stayed in. They had a car park and were located right next to a Little Chef. If back in Edinburgh, we would stay here again. (We paid £29 for the night as we booked at least 3 weeks in advance. Ensuite.)
Name: Drumbie Farm
Location: Drumnadrochit
Comments: We loved this place. Very comfortable room with plenty of space. We stayed there two nights and were so glad we did. The breakfast area had an amazing view of their farm with Loch Ness in the background. The food was great and the service as well. The owner was very nice and we liked talking with her. Highly recommend this place. (We paid £54 per night for both of us. Ensuite.)
Name: Carlisle Travelodge
Website: http://www.travelodge.co.uk/
Location: Carlisle
Comments: Excellent Travelodge. They do not have a car park but we were able to arrive after 8pm to get free parking on the street. The most modern of the Travelodges we stayed in. Clean and spacious. They had a flat screen TV with many channels. Reception clerks were very friendly. They served breakfast in the morning for an additional £7.50 per person. Room cost £29 as we booked it far enough in advance; otherwise it cost £60. Great place to stay. Ensuite.
Name: Gorselands Hall Guesthouse
Location: Oxford
Comments: Very nice. One of the best places we stayed at. The owners were very polite and served a very good breakfast. They had a guest lounge with a pool/snooker table. Highly recommend this B&B. Reasonable prices as well (we paid £58 for the night for both of us. Ensuite.)
If you need any more information about any of them, just let me know and I will try to help you out. I hope this will helpl in your future planning if you are ever in any of the areas we were.
Pictures will be coming soon (probably throughout this week). I just finished downloading all the pictures from our camera so now I just need to pick out some to share with you all.
Oh, and in case you were wondering about the different places we stayed at along our trip, here they are with my comments. (Note: They are in the order in which we stayed in them.)
Name: Well Cottage
Location: Just south of Avebury
Comments: Nice enough of a place. Didn't have too much interaction with the owner other than she let us into our room and served our breakfast. The food was good. Wouldn't necessarily go back here again if we were in the area. We would probably try someplace else if we had the chance. (We paid £60 for the night. Ensuite.)
Name: Lungano B&B
Website: http://www.luganobandb.com/
Location: Llandogo
Comments: Very nice place to stay. You had a private entrance to your room that entered through their beautiful gardens. You had a sitting room attached to your bedroom (the Blue Room). Only downside is that there is only a bath tub and no shower. The room was very clean and cozy. The food was great and the owner was very friendly and provided a very nice atmosphere. Would definitely stay here again. (We paid £52 for the night. Ensuite.)
Name: Huelwen Guest House
Website: http://www.heulwen.co.uk/index.html
Location: Snowdonia
Comments: Loved this place. We would have stayed here longer if we could. It's off a little mountain road and has beautiful views all around it. This was the largest room we stayed in and was very clean and comfortable. We really like the owners; they were very friendly and you could tell they really enjoyed running a guesthouse. We would definitely stay here again if in the area. We highly recommend this place. (We paid £54 for the night. Ensuite.)
Name: Rosehill B&B
Website: http://rosehill-snowdonia.co.uk/
Location: Snowdonia
Comments: This was a nice place; felt more like a hotel than a cozy B&B. Everything was clean but the room was on the small side. The food was good (this was the place where we ate the boiled eggs). The owner was nice but a little stand-offish - she wasn't very open with us and we felt a little weird around her. We wouldn't necessarily go back here again. We would probably try some place else first. (We paid £56 for the night. Ensuite.)
Name: Aynetree Guesthouse
Website: http://www.aynetreeguesthouse.co.uk/
Location: Edinburgh
Comments: We had a horrible experience at this place. I do not recommend going here at all. They were only a 3 star when all of the rest we stayed at were 4 stars and they charged more than any of them and it was not worth the extra price. The owners were not very friendly, we ran out of hot water in the bath, they served us moldy toast at breakfast, and practically kicked us out the door. Do not stay here. (We paid £70 for the night. Private Bath, no shower)
Name: Edinburgh Travelodge
Website: http://www.travelodge.co.uk/
Location: Edinburgh
Comments: Very nice. The room was clean and spacious and felt so much better than the last place we had just stayed in. They had a car park and were located right next to a Little Chef. If back in Edinburgh, we would stay here again. (We paid £29 for the night as we booked at least 3 weeks in advance. Ensuite.)
Name: Drumbie Farm
Location: Drumnadrochit
Comments: We loved this place. Very comfortable room with plenty of space. We stayed there two nights and were so glad we did. The breakfast area had an amazing view of their farm with Loch Ness in the background. The food was great and the service as well. The owner was very nice and we liked talking with her. Highly recommend this place. (We paid £54 per night for both of us. Ensuite.)
Name: Carlisle Travelodge
Website: http://www.travelodge.co.uk/
Location: Carlisle
Comments: Excellent Travelodge. They do not have a car park but we were able to arrive after 8pm to get free parking on the street. The most modern of the Travelodges we stayed in. Clean and spacious. They had a flat screen TV with many channels. Reception clerks were very friendly. They served breakfast in the morning for an additional £7.50 per person. Room cost £29 as we booked it far enough in advance; otherwise it cost £60. Great place to stay. Ensuite.
Name: Gorselands Hall Guesthouse
Location: Oxford
Comments: Very nice. One of the best places we stayed at. The owners were very polite and served a very good breakfast. They had a guest lounge with a pool/snooker table. Highly recommend this B&B. Reasonable prices as well (we paid £58 for the night for both of us. Ensuite.)
If you need any more information about any of them, just let me know and I will try to help you out. I hope this will helpl in your future planning if you are ever in any of the areas we were.
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