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Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Day 12 - Continued

May 13, 2008 (continued)

I left off around 5pm as that's when the computer lab closed.

Here is an account of the rest of our day:

We went to dinner and chatted with more students (we soon discovered that the majority of the students at Capernwray were from Canada this season).

After dinner, we took a walk through the fields around the school. We visited the soccer field/goals where Jeremiah remembered playing many games. We then went up a hill and took some pictures with Capernwray in the background. Then we walked a little bit more (always minding the pooh) and went in to the "forest". The forest wasn't nearly a forest once you got closer to it and was really just a grouping of trees surrounding a little creek.

On the other side, there was a fence separating us from a field with cows. Jeremiah decided that he wanted to get close to these cows. I did not. We found an opening big enough to squeeze through and not get cut by the barbed wire so in he went and there I remained. I slowly made his way up to the cows trying not to scare them too much so that they ran away or, as I feared, charged him.

He ended up getting decently close but after a bit the cows had had enough and they all decided to move farther away from him. Jeremiah then came back to get me to come in. It took a bit but I finally did, as the cows were a bit farther away by now.

We walked along the field and up the hill. Jeremiah then told me a story about his mom when she was at Capernwray having fun on a tree not too far away from where we were standing - it was pretty funny and if I can get her permission, I will share it with you...or, better yet, Debbie, if you wouldn't mind sharing it, you could write it in a comment to this post! But I will leave that up to you.

We walked down the other side of the hill and just enjoyed our time together. As we walked along, all of a sudden a loud noise out of no where sounded and made me jump. A pheasant popped out and flew away. It reminded us of a suspenseful part of a movie when you aren't expecting something and then all of a sudden POP! And it actually happened a second time a little bit later and it made me jump just as much then as it did the first time.

Eventually we made it out of the field and back on to a path. On our way, Jeremiah decided he wanted to sneak up on a lamb. So I went on one side to distract it while he went behind it. Before I realized it, he had caught a different lamb that I couldn't see as it was behind a tree. I quickly went up to them to be able to pet it a bit. He didn't hang on to it too long as it was squirming and he didn't want to scare it too much. Then we headed back to the castle.

We had a few minutes before Sue Gilmore (one of Debbie's roommates from when she went to Capernwray) was going to speak so we tried to call Jeremiah's parents, my parents, and my sister. But we didn't have any luck. I figured out that my mom was probably taking my sister to the airport at that time, so I left a message on my sister's phone wishing her a good trip. We then went to the Conference room and grabbed a few seats in the very back.

After a few minutes, Sue got on the stage and greeted everyone. She was supposed to speak on Isaiah but as the next day was a Prayer day, she had an individual worksheet for everyone to work on in preparation for Prayer Day. She then made an announcement that she was going to pick up a guest who was visiting the next day and that she would like a few of the girls to buddy her to make her feel welcome and take her to the meals.

She told everyone that the guest would be staying below the conference room in either Room 9 or 10 and that she needed to find out as there was a married couple in the other room (to which everyone snickered and we smiled as we assumed that was us). Sue then thought to ask that maybe the couple was in the room so we raised our hands.

She then asked if we had been introduced (and everyone's eyes were staring at us now) and we shook our heads. She then addressed Jeremiah and asked his name. He said, "Jeremiah ..." and she repeated it and let that sink in for a bit. She then informed everyone that Jeremiah had been a student here years ago. After a bit of small talk, she then asked Jeremiah to "introduce his friend, or the person he was sleeping with."

Once she said that, the room burst out laughing (as did we) and Sue was utterly embarrassed that those words had just come out of her mouth. I don't think anyone was going to forget us any time soon :) It took a little bit to quiet the room down and for Sue to recover her composure, but Jeremiah then introduced me. It was quite the introduction!

After everyone was dismissed to start on their individual work, we went up to Sue to chat with her a bit and for me to formally meet her. It was nice and she sent her love to Debbie. We walked and talked with her to the castle as she needed to leave soon to go to the airport. After a bit we parted ways and we went back to the phones.

We got a hold of Debbie and she was actually in the middle of writing an email to us! We talked for a little bit and she was very excited to hear from us and from Capernwray. We then went to the dining hall to grab a little supper before heading back into the pool room to play a few more games. I can't remember what the score is now but I do know that I am ahead!

It was now nearing 11am so we headed off to bed.

Until tomorrow!

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