Keely's Accomplishments This Month:
- Started the month at 9lbs 4.5 oz; Ended the month at 10lbs 15.9 oz - A 1 lb 11.4oz gain!
- Still very smiley
- Cooing a lot more
- Was fed a bottle for the first time by Daddy
- Slept even better at night – still prefers to sleep in Mommy's arms if she's allowed
- Still a very easy baby
- Had her first dance with Daddy
- Babysat by Nana & fed a bottle by Nana for the first time
- Smiled a lot while Mommy read a book ("Goofy on the Hillside") to Chloe and her
- Still liked to be held while awake and not set down but now enjoyed the bouncer and swing (sleeping and awake) and really likes the mobile on the swing
- Played on the playmat for the first time and even grabbed on to a toy once
- Got her first cold but she wasn't cranky at all
- Comforted with swaddling, her pacifier, and soft music
- Her neck strength and head control are really good
- Went Trick or Treating for the first time!
- Rarely cries in her carseat and while travelling in the car now
- Cooing a lot this month